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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

You Don't Have A Wing On That Chicken

Have you heard, "You don't have a dog in that fight", or You don't have a nickle in that quarter? For reasons, which are obvious, we Folk down here in the country now say,"You don't have a wing on that chicken". It all means. Do something or shut up!

I am so sick of hearing all the Comments of what should be done about various subjects, by people who aren't even registered to Vote. I venture to say you are listening to a Radio Talk Show or viewing a TV/Internet News Show, with a bunch of talking heads who aren't registered to vote. But they have so much to say. Don't miss my point I feel dialogue is important especially in serious matters of State. However, I would like to hear the view point from someone who can actually Vote the Bums Out!

The beauty of the Internet is now we can check the Voting Rolls of every state with a little Google help. All you need is to type in the (home state of the person's) Board of Elections. When you reach the main site, there are instructions directing you to enter a name, address, some even have phone numbers enteries. You can find out real quick, who is registered to vote or not.

I would love to make this task simplier for everyone by Registering everybody in the U.S. Republican. But I can't , my Magic Wand, got quite a workout this December. With my Son's Commencement and Christmas, poor Magic Wand is out of commission.

Trust me it is easy to find out if all the noise, will contribute to Voting the Bums out or not.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fly The Friendly Skies?

Today, we were all reminded, flying commercially can be dangerous. Umar Farouk Abdulmtallab, 23,was almost successful in blowing up Northwest Airline, Flight 253. The brave passangers on that flight decided to take this "terriorist" down. As the story progressed, I learned the "terriorist" had no Passport. Unacceptable.

Let me share an experience with you. A few days before my 50th birthday, I visited my local Motor Vehicle Office to renew my Driver's License. I had my almost expired Driver's License, my Social Security Card. I had gone to my Stylist to get a perfect Style for this important "Milestone" picture. My suit was flawless. All I need to do now was wait my turn.

When my name was called, I gave the Highway Patrol person my paperwork. After careful review, I was told my Social Security Card did not match my almost expired Driver's License. Seemingly, my Social Security Card was in my First Husband's last name. I was told to take my Divorce papers, Copy of my New Marriage License, my Birth Certificate and my Social Security card to the Social Security Administration Office. My Social Security card had to match EVERYTHING, but my Birth Certificate. I rushed home to find out, I did not have a copy of my New Marriage License.

Several days later, I finally had all the necessary paperwork to take to the Social Security Office. I get there, I took a number and I had a seat. While sitting there talking to the people around me, I found out the reason we were there waiting 2 hours, was because a Local Farmer's migrant workers were inside the office getting processed for their Social Security Cards. This Farmer sent a Letter and his Overseer, with approximately 18 workers.

I don't know if these workers were legally in America but if I had a wild guess, I would say No they weren't. Each one came out with their Social Security Card. All of them needed the card to work for this Farmer. But a few of them were also getting Driver's Licenses. Friends, its just that easy to get documented. I am a law abiding American citizen. I had to prove it.

For all the others, who want the easy way out. They just Fly the Friendly Skies.
Mayor Bloomberg said "Its not the Administration's Fault but it is their Problem". I agree.

My advice to all my Friends who have to fly, Stay Alert and get ready to Fight for your life if necessary. Many of us don't have Net Jet Accounts, we will have to fly commercial. Or my choice will probably be to drive if possible and my last choice will be to stay home, watch the Travel Channel and Pretend. Above all, get your thoughts and comments out there. Maybe you have the Change we need to fix this dangerous problem.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Big Brother Watching Over You, Internationally!

Friends, This morning Veronica Foxx, posted on Facebook the following" One week ago, President Obama quietly signed an executive order that makes Interpol immune from the restraints of American law. Interpol's property and assets are no longer subjecto to search and confiscation, and its archives are now considered inviolable. This international police force(whose US headquarters is in the Justice Department in Washington) will be unrestrained by the U.S. Constitution and American law while it operates in the United States and affects both Americans and American interests outside the United States.

Interpol works closely with international tribunals(such as the International Criminal Court-which the United States has refused to join because of its sovereignity surrendering provisions, through top Obama officials want us in it). It also works closely with foreign courts and law-enforcement authorities(such as those in Europe that are investigating former Bush administration officials for purported war crimes-i.e. for actions taken in America's defense)."

In response to Veronica, Tony Pagano wrote:"In an effort to keep these very important facts straigh;O signed Executive Order 13524 on December 16,2009 Amending Executive Order 12425 Designating Interpol as a Public International Organization Entitled to Enjoy Certain Privileges, Exemptions, and Immunities. EO 12425 was signed in June 1983 by Reagan, and ammended under Clinton in 1995 and now Obama".

I tend to side with Veronica Foxx, because of the amount of research she puts into her FB Notes. I do feel this Executive Order is worthy of discussion. I am putting the Question out to you. How do you feel about this Executive Order? Do you feel it is one more component of Big Brother Watching Over You, Internationally?

Please feel free to voice your comment and if you care to Research more than Veronica and Tony, please post your findings.

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Art of Kissing One's Own Behind

Many of us look into the mirror, and say "you are great", "you are beautiful", "I am the most brillant human being on the planet". Rarely, do we make these comments about ourselves in public.

However, we do have a very special breed of human beings who feel they are all of the above, plus! And see nothing wrong in making certain the masses know.

For instance, Oprah recently asked a very powerful political figure, "What grade would he give himself, since the beginning of assuming his new position" (Debbie, decided to change the wording a bit to keep the political figure un-named). His response was a B+.

My Question to you Friends, does this politico have: 1)An abundance of Self-Esteem 2)Displaced Arrogrance, 3)Has he perfected the Art of Kissing One's On Behind?

I look forward to your comments.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Congressman Grayson AKA Congressman Badass

Oh,me so scared! Congressman Grayson (D) Florida is a self proclaimed Badass because he had the b...sorry guts to say the Republicans will kill sick people (in my words). Wednesday evening as I passed by my family room I saw O'Reilley (Fox News), discussing Grayson. As I viewed the show I wondered, boy this Grayson fellow must not have any dirt. The way he fires off his mouth, especially concerning Vice President Richard Cheney. By now his dirt should be everywhere. Because its "Finally Friday", I Challenge everyone to find out 1(one) incident, situation, any piece of dirt you can find on Grayson. Post it on Deb's Gop as a comment. Let's see who the Real Badass is, Grayson or Deb?

Monday, October 26, 2009

H1N1 Flu Shot-Has the Government Run Out ?

I am having a personal debate. Will I get the H1N1 Flu Shot? My Internist said yes. I read all of the information the CDC offered on their website, including the compound list for the H1N1 flu vaccination from the Manufacturer. Will we read about a mass outbreak of the Swine Flu in the near future? Who knows. I am more inclined to buy mask and gloves, when I venture out into large crowds. I need to stock up on anti viral tissues, disinfectant spray, hand santi, etc. Will my efforts be enough to keep me from the dreaded swine flu aka H1N1? As of yesterday many places in my driving area had run out. Across the nation, the H1N1 vaccination has run out. There are promises of more in three weeks but I think that the flu will be well underway by that time. As of right now, I will not get the vaccination.

Are any of you getting the vaccination or have received it already? Please keep us posted of any side effects or adverse reactions. More updates to follow as more information develope.

Non Partisan or Partisan Election, That is the Question?

This morning Fox News sent a crew to Kinston, NC to gather opinions from citizens concerning Non Partisan Elections (NPE-removes the candidates party affiliation from the ballot). (Background) In 2008,a few members from the Lenoir County Republican Party, started a petition drive. The signatures were needed to place the Non Partisan Elections amendment on the November 2008 ballot. The drive was successful. Thus, Non Partisan Elections passed. After the vote passed the Kinston City Council had to vote to make it a law. The Council did not deliver enough votes to make the amendment a law. As a result the GOP group filed a lawsuit against the City of Kinston. The City fired back so the entire mess went to the Department of Justice. After many months of question and answer between the City and Justice, the Justice Department ruled to keep Partisan Elections.

The Interview is schedule to air on Hannity (9pm Monday - Friday). I have not verified the date,however it is rumored to air tonight (October 25, 2009).

Watch the interview and hit me back with your comments.

Let Them Pretend

I received such a shock Sunday as I read the Kinston Free Press. Bryan Hanks reported "Virtually every Lenoir County elected official who is a Democrat is supporting Earl Harper, and unaffiliated candidate for mayor". As I read, this did not surprise me. This practice has been going on for many election cycles,behind close doors. The shocker was Hanks revealed the LCDP were considered "unorganized by the NCDP". Unorganized? How can that be? The County is majority Democratic. The Lenoir County Democratic Party dominates all other Political Parties(in this county). UNORGANIZED? That is when I realized they were playing a game called "Let's Pretend". They even Pretended a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Precinct Chairs, and a Board. Damn, they are good! I offer up a challenge to the Lenoir County Democratic Party, Pretend you are Republicans for HALOWEEN. Unlike the Dems, the Repubs are ORGANIZED. Locally, State, Federal, Women's Clubs, Men's Clubs, Young Repubs and Teen Repubs.