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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fly The Friendly Skies?

Today, we were all reminded, flying commercially can be dangerous. Umar Farouk Abdulmtallab, 23,was almost successful in blowing up Northwest Airline, Flight 253. The brave passangers on that flight decided to take this "terriorist" down. As the story progressed, I learned the "terriorist" had no Passport. Unacceptable.

Let me share an experience with you. A few days before my 50th birthday, I visited my local Motor Vehicle Office to renew my Driver's License. I had my almost expired Driver's License, my Social Security Card. I had gone to my Stylist to get a perfect Style for this important "Milestone" picture. My suit was flawless. All I need to do now was wait my turn.

When my name was called, I gave the Highway Patrol person my paperwork. After careful review, I was told my Social Security Card did not match my almost expired Driver's License. Seemingly, my Social Security Card was in my First Husband's last name. I was told to take my Divorce papers, Copy of my New Marriage License, my Birth Certificate and my Social Security card to the Social Security Administration Office. My Social Security card had to match EVERYTHING, but my Birth Certificate. I rushed home to find out, I did not have a copy of my New Marriage License.

Several days later, I finally had all the necessary paperwork to take to the Social Security Office. I get there, I took a number and I had a seat. While sitting there talking to the people around me, I found out the reason we were there waiting 2 hours, was because a Local Farmer's migrant workers were inside the office getting processed for their Social Security Cards. This Farmer sent a Letter and his Overseer, with approximately 18 workers.

I don't know if these workers were legally in America but if I had a wild guess, I would say No they weren't. Each one came out with their Social Security Card. All of them needed the card to work for this Farmer. But a few of them were also getting Driver's Licenses. Friends, its just that easy to get documented. I am a law abiding American citizen. I had to prove it.

For all the others, who want the easy way out. They just Fly the Friendly Skies.
Mayor Bloomberg said "Its not the Administration's Fault but it is their Problem". I agree.

My advice to all my Friends who have to fly, Stay Alert and get ready to Fight for your life if necessary. Many of us don't have Net Jet Accounts, we will have to fly commercial. Or my choice will probably be to drive if possible and my last choice will be to stay home, watch the Travel Channel and Pretend. Above all, get your thoughts and comments out there. Maybe you have the Change we need to fix this dangerous problem.

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